
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem

Where were the First and Second Jewish Temples Located?


Papers by Tuvia Sagiv are © 1996 Tuvia Sagiv, 27, Elkachi Street, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel; Phone (3) - 6437066, Fax: (3) - 6437067. Email Tuvia Sagiv (sagiv1@barak-online.net) All Rights Reserved. International Copyright secured. This web site was developed by Jim Milligan, Lambert Dolphin, (lambert@ldolphin.org) and Michael Kollen. Created April 1, 1996. Last update October 29, 2008. Special thanks for site hosting by Blue Letter Bible.

Aerial photo of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem showing the Proposed Northern,
Central and Southern Sites for the First and Second Temples.

"As the navel is set in the centre of the human body,
so is the land of Israel the navel of the world...
situated in the centre of the world,
and Jerusalem in the centre of the land of Israel,
and the sanctuary in the centre of Jerusalem,
and the holy place in the centre of the sanctuary,
and the ark in the centre of the holy place,
and the foundation stone before the holy place,
because from it the world was founded."
Midrash Tanchuma, Qedoshim.

Recent Developments in the News

Brief Summary of the Problem of Locating the Temple Site

Where Were the First and Second Temples Located?

The Temple Mount at the Dome of the Rock (Dr. Leen Ritmeyer, Dr. Dan Bahat)
The Temple Mount to the North (Dr. Asher Kaufman)
The Southern Hypothesis Introduced (Tuvia Sagiv)

RealAudio or MP3 format: Listen to Lectures by Dr. Asher Kaufman, Dr. Dan Bahat, Tuvia Sagiv, Rabbi Chaim Richman, Gershon Salomon, and Stanley Goldfoot.

RealMedia (RealPlayer): Video Presentation by Gershon Solomon,
Faith of the Temple Mount "Let Us Rise Up and Build."
(added July 12), 1998. (28.8) (56.6)

Evidence for the Temple Location South of the Dome of the Rock

Tuvia Sagiv's Research Papers

Reports, a video tape and posters are available by mail from Tuvia Sagiv. Ordering information

Tuvia Sagiv and the Third Temple Location problem is the subject of an article "What if This Isn't the Western Wall," in the November 23, 1998 issue of The Jerusalem Report, available on Internet.

Looking North from El Kas Fountain,
Tuvia Sagiv's Proposed SouthernTemple Site

History of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount

The Western Wall.
Tuvia Sagiv's "Southern Location," lies due East of this Wall

The Ark of the Covenant

Many authorities believe the Ark is located under the Temple Mount.


Related Links

Listen to a great classic by S. E. Weatherly in Real Audio. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Jessye Norman, Vocalist. "The Holy City" (14.4) or (28.8)

Papers by Tuvia Sagiv are © 1996 Tuvia Sagiv, 27, Elkachi Street, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel; Phone (3) - 6437066, Fax: (3) - 6437067. Email Tuvia Sagiv (sagiv1@barak-online.net) All Rights Reserved. International Copyright secured. This web site was developed by Jim Milligan, Lambert Dolphin, (lambert@ldolphin.org) and Michael Kollen. Created April 1, 1996. Last update October 29, 2008. Special thanks for site hosting by Blue Letter Bible.