
All you need to know: Gemstone and crystal therapy
Sun, 21 Dec 2008 15:47:17 GMT
By Hedieh Ghavidel, Press TV, Tehran
Throughout history, gems have been believed to possess the ability to give their wearer power. In many parts of the world, precious stones and crystals were used to cure the sick, to balance inharmonious emotions and in spiritual rituals.

Gemstone therapists believe gems possess a specific healing energy that is transferable to the body through direct contact. They consider illnesses the result of emotional distress or physical problems which block the body's energy centers, also known as chakras.

These alternative therapists maintain that the color of a gem determines the effect it has on stimulating the energy of different chakras and therefore gemstones can be used to unblock energy and strengthen and heal the body based on their hue.

The two most effective methods of applying gemstone therapy and benefiting from the therapeutic effects of gems are to wear the stone in the form of a necklace or to carry the stone in the pocket.

The gemstones used for healing must always be kept close to the body in order for it to absorb the curative properties of the stones.

Depending on their use, gems can display their beneficial or detrimental powers. Some of the most commonly used gemstones include:

Amber (yellow or brown) is reputed to aid kidney and bladder function. It is believed to relieve arthritis pain, lift heaviness, and strengthen the thyroid and inner ear. It also helps let go of the past.

Agate (gray, blue and beige) this powerful healer promotes self-confidence and the ability to discern the truth. It helps strengthen the body and mind, and imparts a sense of courage.

Amethyst (purple) is used to unblock blocked energy, bring calm in times of grief and promote positive thinking.

It increases intuition, enhances mental activity, strengthens will power, and may be used to relieve stomach problems.

Coral helps calm emotions and gives strength to change one's life. It is believed to lower cholesterol levels and increase the absorption of niacin.

Diamonds protect energy fields, cleanse the blood, remove blockages and negativity. They are said to help fertility, balance metabolism and draw toxins from the body.

Diamonds bring clarity of sight and stimulate unity and love of self and others.

Emeralds (green) improve memory and intellect. They help alleviate hidden fears, bring harmony to all areas of life, and fight negativity. They also help remain focused on the task at hand.

Jade (green or white) attracts loyal friends, brings good fortune, composure, peacefulness, and wisdom. It cleanses the blood and removes toxins.

It helps express self-confidence, self-reliance and self-sufficiency.

Green jade is said to be good for relieving high blood pressure, stress and headaches.

Obsidian is believed to alleviate depression, cure insomnia and prevent one from having nightmares. It shields against negativity and balances internal and external energies.

Onyx (black) aids in changing bad habits and improves devotion and concentration. Promotes self-control, dispels grief and brings good fortune.

Opal restores harmony and helps decision-making. It is said to aid in purifying the blood and relieving fatigue.

Pearl promotes self-love and personal integrity. It gets rid of emotional imbalance and is said to increase the production of insulin.

Quartz is probably the most popular crystal. It can be a milky white color or colorless and shiny like rock crystals. Its therapeutic properties are aimed at soothing resentment and envy.

Quartz is used to stimulate energy flow to certain areas of the body and to calm weak kidneys, cardiac pain and upset stomachs.

Ruby (red) increases energy, improves circulation, and promotes intuitive thinking. It helps reduce fear and assist the body in ridding itself of toxins.

It is believed to good for menstrual problems and strengthening the heart muscle.

Ruby brings stability and confidence and improves the ability to deflect negativity.

Sapphire (blue) gives the wearer self-esteem, purity of mind and contentment.

It helps alleviate depression and promotes clarity. It opens the mind to beauty and inspiration.

Turquoise is used to protect against harmful energy. It is said to be an effective remedy for treating eye disorders. Turquoise is good for bringing mental calm.

Most crystals and gemstones must be periodically cleansed in running water to wash away the negative energies they may have picked up particularly if they have been used for healing.