
Follow up on the Anthropomorphic Solomon's Temple...

au rion
Re: urgent--doneFw: Copyright, Arthur@Avalon Blog
Vivian Cullipher
Monday, December 29, 2008 12:16:57 PM
Tony Badillo
Thank you for addressing this so promptly and for the respectful reply.
aurion@mission.zzn.com, webmaster@mission.zzn.com, aurionmission@yahoo.comSubjectFw: Copyright, Arthur@Avalon Blog
Vivian Cullipher ,
December 29, 2008
10:41:05 AM
Cc:Tony Badillo
Please promptly remove the post, "http://arthuravalon.blogspot.com/2008/12/human-form-of-king-solomons-temple-was.html." This is copyrighted content and not available for reprinting, reproduction, or reposting without permission. T
hank you.
~Vivian M.---On Mon, 12/29/08,
Tony Badillo wrote:
From: Tony Badillo txybadillo@earthlink.net
Subject: Copyright, Arthur@Avalon Blog
To: "Vivian Badillo" viviangal2@yahoo.com
Date: Monday, December 29, 2008, 9:04 AM
Vivian,Just checking with you: Please gotohttp://arthuravalon.blogspot.com/2008/12/human-form-of-king-solomons-temple-was.html This is a blogspot website owned by Google and someone posted my old websiteinformation. Your name appears there as the writer of some of the material.I have already had two my temple info taken down from two sites, Scribd andthe Templemount/Temple Institute. The Arthur@Avalon is next, but since theyhave your name writing on there as well, I thought I'd check with you toseeif you posted it or gave them permission to do so. In fact, if you wish youcan reach the posters by email (I can't because my computer is unable toopen their email contact point). I believe the posters are the personsbelow, or at least this what the source info shows. By the way, you areregistered as one of the writers and I have the original Certificate ofRegistration from the U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress paper withyourtrue name and pseudonym, Vivian M., dated October 19, 1999.If you can contact [them]and they can remove it, and I believe theywill, it will make it easier for me. Otherwise I have to contact Google byU.S. Mail and provide certain info according to their rules. Thanks.
SubjectRe: urgent--done
Fw: Copyright, Arthur@Avalon BlogFrom"au rion" ,
December 29, 2008 11:11:42 AM
Dear Sirs,Sorry. We will do so immediately. But we published it with all copyrights of yours which would eventually help for your publicity as well. Thanks.. We respect everybody's wish and copyrights as well..
Aurion Mission./ Arthur Avalon.
Please let us know if anything else has to be removed as well..
Posted by webaura1 at 8:13 AM