
Western powers worried about Iran satellite technology
Paris (AFP) Feb 3, 2009
Western powers working to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions voiced "acute concern" Tuesday over the Islamic Republic's technological leap in launching its first home-built satellite into orbit. The technology for launching satellites "is very similar to ballistic (missile) capabilities," said French foreign ministry spokesman Eric Chevallier. "We can't but link this to the very serious ... more

Officials Work On Pentagon's Need For Space Capabilities
Washington (AFNS) Feb 04, 2009
Adapting new capabilities within the rapidly changing military space environment is increasingly important to national security, and Defense Department officials in the Operationally Responsive Space office are working to meet the Pentagon's needs for space capabilities rapidly. ORS requires current technologies to be developed and fielded quickly to ensure the capabilities are available ... more

NGA And Lockheed Martin Mark 4000 Sales Of Geospatial-Intelligence Workstations
Gaithersburg, MD (SPX) Feb 03, 2009
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and Lockheed Martin recently reached a major milestone in the integration and delivery of geospatial data, installing the 4,000th user workstation under the Integrated Exploitation Capability (IEC) program and NGA's Federated Partner contracts. IEC workstations are specialized computer suites that serve as the primary portal to the nation's ... more

First SBIRS Satellite With New Flight Software Completes Key Test
Sunnyvale CA (SPX) Feb 02, 2009
The first Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) geosynchronous orbit (GEO-1) satellite, built by a Lockheed Martin team for the U.S. Air Force, has successfully completed a major test utilizing new flight software that will enable highly reliable spacecraft command and control operations. The SBIRS program is designed to provide early warning of missile launches, and simultaneously support ... more